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Great game just have a suggestion can you please make a pause menu or just a continue button because i was so long into the game and then i accidentally pressed the escape key and had to start over please make it

sorry about that i did try to add a pause menu but it would glitch the post processing after closing the pause menu 

love this game! although I wish it had a save and pause button added. other than that, it is amazing. well done!

thanks for playing. I will make sure to add a pause and save button on the next game.

Brilliant backrooms game:) it was the perfect length for a backrooms game and some great lonely, lost, creepy moments. one part in particular really took me by surprise:) 

highly recommend if your a fan of Liminal spaces.

thanks for the review glad you enjoyed the game :)

Great game. Try out my demo:

thanks will give it a try later

I beat the game with good and bad ending. I really enjoyed this, phenominal graphics gameplay good scares and alot of large levels

I am having a difficult time finding the key for the book store level

lol i just found it actually even though i didnt visually see the key just pressed e on a certain thing

thanks for playing should i make the key easier to find 

I think the key is bugged to where it is invisible to the player, the key itself is in an easy to find spot but i couldn't see the key when i picked it up i just pressed e on the thing

its there its just difficult to see i will change it if other people can find it 

Im going to play the game now! It looks like a very well done backrooms game